谨记,计算机是没有常识的。例如,计算机很容易曲解事实,看到人早上睡醒后吃早饭,就认为睡醒导致人饥饿。与其下很多我拿不准的押注,还不如下较少的我拿得准的押注(最好是互不相关的押注),同时,无法说明决策背后的逻辑对我而言是无法容忍的。很多人因为发现机器学习比形成深刻理解容易得多,就盲目信任机器学习。但在我看来,深刻理解必不可少,尤其是对我做的事情而言。 Remember that computers have no common sense. For example, a computer could easily misconstrue the fact that people wake up in the morning and then eat breakfast to indicate that waking up makes people hungry. I’d rather have fewer bets (ideally uncorrelated ones) in which I am highly confident than more bets I’m less confident in, and would consider it intolerable if I couldn’t argue the logic behind any of my decisions. A lot of people vest their blind faith in