第三届综合极端条件物理学术 研讨会暨暑期学校 2024年7月17日-19日 蔻享学术 扫码查看精彩直播 // # 简介 # SECUF-2024 consists of two parts. The first part is a Summer School, which delivers tutorial lectures on fundamental knowledges of researches under extreme physical conditions, together with the introduction of the experimental conditions available in SECUF. The second part is a Conference containing one plenary session and four parallel sessions, for exchanging newest research progresses under extreme physical conditions. 日程 日程以现场实际为准 Summer School Plenary Session Session 1 Emergent quantum materials and phenomena under high pressure extreme conditions Session 2 Physical properties under synergetic extreme conditions Session 3 Quantum transport in low dimensional materials and quantum devices at ultralow temperatures Session 4 Ultrafast physics and technology Session 5 High-pressure and high-temperature large-volume