专栏名称: 独霸上海的妖怪
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独霸上海的妖怪  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-08-19 18:13


前几天,官方公布《婚姻登记条例(修订草案意见稿)》,其中「结婚登记不再需要户口簿」以及「离婚冷静期」相关条例,引起网友的广泛热议。 外媒怎么看呢?我们来看一则《彭博社周刊》的报道。 外刊原文 China's bid to spur marriage, hamper divorce stirs online outcry China’s proposed measures to ease marriage registration while making divorces harder to get have provoked a wave of public backlash, a reflection of the challenges facing the world’s No. 2 economy in arresting a sharp drop in births. Chinese authorities will no longer require couples filing for marriage to provide their hukou, or household registration, as part of draft changes to existing regulations. The proposed amendment also added a 30-day cooling-off period for those seeking a divorce, a rule already enacted in 2021 that made it more difficult to exit a marriage. 外刊精读 我们先来看标题: bid 这里为名词,指「努 ………………………………

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