专栏名称: 独霸上海的妖怪
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小心你在朋友圈的人设 | 双语阅读

独霸上海的妖怪  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-03 10:34


最近在《焦虑星球笔记》里读到一篇轻松有趣的小短文,叫作Be careful who you pretend to be,分享给大家,希望能给大家带来一些思考和启发 🤍 Be careful who you pretend to be 作者 | 马特·海洛 原著 | 《焦虑星球笔记》 KURT VONNEGUT SAID, decades before anyone had an Instagram  account , that ‘we are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful who we pretend to be’.  This seems especially true for the social media age . We have always presented ourselves to the world — chosen w hich band T-shirt to wea r and which words to say and which body parts to shave – but on social media the act of presenting  is heigh tened a stage further. We are  eternally  one step  removed from  our online selves. We become  walking merchandise . Our profiles are Star Wars  figures  of ourselves. 早在几十年前Instagram还没流行到人手一账号的时候,库尔特·冯内古特就曾告诫道:“我们都是我们 ………………………………

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