Scholar Education Group (1769 HK) 超預期,重啓高增 H1E profit alert: 87% net earnings growth exceeded expectations as Scholar returns to high-growth trajectory BUY (maintain) 投資要點/Investment Thesis 投資要點/Investment Thesis 公司發佈24H1正面盈利公告 公司預計24H1收入不少於3.8億元人民幣,同增超51.2%;歸母淨利不少於0.8億元,同增超86.5%,其中包含共計約1090萬元購股權福利開支(23H1爲360萬元),剔除後歸母淨利不少於0.9億元,同增超95.5%。 歸母淨利增加主要系①輔導課時總數增加帶動公司收入增長;②公司持續提升經營效率,改善運營表現。 24H1E profit alert: Scholar set to announce net profit growth of at least 87% yoy Key financials: Scholar Education issued a profit alert for 24H1E on 5 August, expecting: •Revenue of at least RMB380m, up more than 51.2%; •Net profit of at least RMB80m, up more than 86.5% yoy, after expenditures such as RMB10.9m on s