民政部起草的《婚姻登记条例(修订草案征求意见稿)》,正在征求社会各界意见。 其中第八条提出,办理结婚登记的内地居民应当出具下列证件和书面材料:(一)本人的居民身份证;(二)本人无配偶以及与对方当事人没有直系血亲和三代以内旁系血亲关系的签字声明。 与现行的《婚姻登记条例》相较而言,意见稿删去了提供户口簿的要求。 15日, #结婚登记不再需要户口簿##离婚冷静期写入婚姻登记条例#等多个涉意见稿的话题登上微博热搜,引发网友热烈讨论。 According to draft revisions to the Marriage Registration Regulation released by the Ministry of Civil Affairs on Tuesday for public feedback, couples applying for marriage certificates will no longer need to submit their hukou , or household registration documents. Instead, they will only be required to present their ID cards and sign declarations confirming they are