专栏名称: GaMo Garden
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Types of Investing

GaMo Garden  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-06-18 14:14


When trying to figure out a business, an investment opportunity and related risks, challenges lie in whether an analyst could make it clear what the problems are she/he should be really trying to solve.  It means, when an investment falls into certain genre, the thesis and corresponding assumption s to be set up,  questions to be raised and facts to be collected and verified may vary dramatically.  There're different types of value investing, for example:  i) undervalued (assets, or earnings, or FCF perspective);  ii) event-driven (spin-off, merger securities, go private/sale of the company, recapitalization, reorgnazation, liquidation, self-tender, etc.);  iii ) board's/management's capital allocation policies changing in favor of shareholder return (strong FCF combined with explicit buyback/dividend policy supported by things like low net debt, periodically ceased/slowing down of growth Capex or NWC optimizing, etc.); iv) growth franchise business (a business  ………………………………

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