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中国日报双语新闻  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-02-18 16:42


图源:视觉中国 17日,故宫博物院发公告,2月19日 (正月十五) 、20日 (正月十六) 将举办 “紫禁城上元之夜” 文化活动。届时紫禁城古建筑群将首次在晚间被较大规模点亮,这也是故宫博物院建院94年来首次举办“灯会”。 During China's Lantern Festival in two days, the Palace Museum will allow late-night visits for the first time, according to the museum's website.  The Palace Museum announced on its official website on Sunday that the "Lantern Festival night in the Forbidden City" will be held for two consecutive nights on February 19 and 20. 图源:视觉中国 The main locations open to the public will be the Meridian Gate exhibition hall, the Gate of Supreme Harmony, the East Wall, the Gate of Divine Might and other areas of the Palace Museum. 活动地点主要在午门展厅、太和门广 ………………………………

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