专栏名称: 清廉山西
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央视CGTN首播!山西形象宣传片《推动高质量发展 深化全方位转型》

清廉山西  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-06 18:01


推动高质量发展 深化全方位转型 Shanxi Promoting Green and High-quality Growth 山西是一部厚重的史诗。 Shanxi is a land with an epic story. 百万年人类史、一万年文化史、五千年文明史,幻化成时间罗盘上的记忆,凝结成灿若星河的智慧。 A million years of human history; ten thousand years of cultural heritage and five thousand years of civilization are etched in the passage of time; and wisdom of the ages forms a constellation of stars.   山西是一幅美丽的画卷。 Shanxi is a beautiful painting. 表里山河如画,天蓝、地绿、水清,绿色是三晋大地的生态底色。 Its landscapes unfold like a masterpiece, with blue skies, green lands and clear waters. ‘Green’ is the enduring ecological backdrop of the province.   山西是一阙奋进的乐章。 Shanxi is a vibrant symphony of progress. 推动高质量发展、深化全方位转型,已成为新时代山西最鲜明的主题、最激扬的旋律 ………………………………

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