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JCS Focus | 《Poetics》最新目录及摘要

社会学研究杂志  · 公众号  · 科研  · 2024-07-03 18:00


本周的  JCS Focus 将继续为大家推荐 社会学 国际顶刊 -  Poetics  - 及其最新目录与摘要 01 About  Poetics Poetics  (《诗学》)是一本关于文化、媒体和艺术的跨学科期刊,致力于发表对社会学、心理学、经济学和媒体与传播研究等学科作出原创性贡献的论文。 02 Current Issue Poetics  为双月刊,每年出版六卷,每卷包括五篇左右的原创性文章。 Poetics   最新一期( volume 104,  June 2024 )共发表了4篇文章,详情如下。 03 Contents Creative industries in transition: A study of Santiago de Chile's autopoietic cultural transformation Christian Morgner, Tomás Peters Much of the research on cultural and creative industries has been ‘Western-centric’, but recent interest into cultural and creative industries in the Global South confirms that this conceptual frame is not always directly transferable. This first comprehensive analysis of the last three decades of cultural and cr ………………………………

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