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DINZ德网 | 赫莱娜 比奈特 · 光的哲学家

德国室内设计网  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-11-05 17:10


比奈特在过去40年里,一直拍摄当代和历史建筑,合作的建筑师包括扎哈·哈迪德、丹尼尔·里伯斯金和彼得·卒姆托等具有影响力的设计师。她被认为是全球最杰出的女性建筑摄影师之一,她的作品不仅出版成书,展出于全球各地,还获得了国际奖项。比奈特以只用胶片拍摄和大多拍摄黑白照片而闻名,即使在数字摄影已然主导的职业生涯中,她仍坚持这一风格。 For 40 years, Binet has photographed both contemporary and historical architecture, collaborating with influential architects such as Zaha Hadid, Daniel Libeskind and Peter Zumthor. Arguably the world's pre-eminent female architecture photographer, her work has been published in several books, exhibited around the world and awarded global prizes. She is known for shooting exclusively on film and mostly in black-and-white, even as digital photography has become dominant over the course of her career. 她的近距 ………………………………

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