口语积累 work blues, office fatigue 情景应用 “社恐”可以说anti-social(讨厌社交的),socially awkward(在社交场合很尴尬),socially inept(不善社交),introverted(内向的) She often feels uncomfortable in social situations. 她在社交场合常常感到不自在。 He always feels socially awkward at parties. 他在聚会上总觉得很尴尬,不知道如何社交。 He is socially inept. 他不善社交。 I'm just a bit antisocial. I prefer eating alone. 我有点社恐,我更喜欢一个人吃饭。 He's very reserved and keeps to himself most of the time. 他很内敛,大部分时间都独来独往。 He's pretty introverted and prefers quiet evenings at home. 他很内向,更喜欢在家度过安静的夜晚。 “社牛”可以用social butterfly,它不光是“交际花”,它既可以形容男性,也可以形容女性。 She's a real social butterfly. 她是个社牛。 He's known as the office social butterfly.