专栏名称: 钙钛矿太阳能电池
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钙钛矿太阳能电池  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-23 22:56


Figure 1. Ligand compensation process for CsPbBr 3 QDs by TOP-CsBr ligand pair. (a) Schematic diagram of LC for CsPbBr 3 QDs. (b) The photographs (natural light) and (c) storage stability of CsPbBr 3 QD ink compensated by different concentration of ligands. (d) AFM images of CsPbBr 3 QD films compensated by different concentration of ligands. Figure 2. The interaction between LC ligands and CsPbBr 3 QDs. (a) FTIR and (b) 31 P NMR enlarged spectra of the TOP, LC-2 and original QD films. (c-e) High resolution XPS spectra of P 2p, Pb 4f, and Br 3d for original and LC-2 QDs. (f) Statistical Br/Pb atomic ratio of original and LC-2 QDs. Figure 3. The LC strategy achieves efficient exciton recombination. (a) Steady state PL spectra and (b) Photographs (ultraviolet lamp excitation) of the original and LC-2 QD films. (c) TRPL delay curve of the original and LC-2 QD films. (d) High-binding-energy secondary electron cutoff and valence-band edge regions of original and LC-2 QD films mea ………………………………

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