今天,阿里巴巴全球数学竞赛组委会发布情况说明;江苏省涟水中等专业学校发布情况通报:据调查了解,在2024阿里巴巴全球数学竞赛预选赛中,我校教师王某某对指导的学生提供帮助,违反了预选赛关于“禁止与他人讨论”的规则。 今天你练听力了吗? 🤔️小作业: 1. What is one of the main conclusions from Amos Schurr's research on cheating? A) People are more likely to cheat when they work independently. B) Winning a previous competition can increase dishonest behavior. C) Group ethics have no effect on an individual's likelihood to cheat. D) People tend to cheat less when money is involved. 2. What does the article imply about the “threshold of unacceptable behavior”? A) It is a fixed standard that applies to everyone equally. B) It varies based on how people perceive their own actions. C) It is established during childhood and rarely changes. D) It becomes stricter when individuals are