专栏名称: 上海德达医院
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Look Out for Early Signs of Scoliosis in Children

上海德达医院  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-11-22 17:39


点击播放视频 很多家长在日常生活当中会发现孩子的坐姿、站姿或者走路时的姿势有点奇怪,但又不知道哪里有什么问题?先不要过度焦虑,应及时寻求医生的帮助。医生会通过专业的体格检查评估孩子的躯干及四肢骨骼和肌肉的情况。也可以通过拍摄X光片筛查脊柱及骨盆的情况。脊柱全长x光片是可以很清楚的看到脊柱是否有侧弯,往哪个方向弯以及侧弯的角度有多少度。医生会通过所有的检查结果来制定适合他的治疗方案。 Many parents may notice something strange about how their children sit, stand or walk but couldn’t put a finger on it. In such cases, please don’t get anxious and seek medical attention in time. The doctors will check the bone and muscle of your child via physical examination, and check the spine and pelvis using X-ray. Full spinal X-ray clearly shows the spinal scoliosis, its direction and severity. The physician can tai ………………………………

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