善良 是灵魂的 返璞归真, 宽容 是人性的 虔诚皈依。 心怀 善良和宽容, 能融化 坚冰利剑, 既善待自己 也善待他人。 心怀 善良和宽容, 会坐拥 点点滴滴 真善美的记忆。 --- 加措活佛 Choosing what to put in one’s heart is
course of study. Letting other’s faults into your heart will magnify them and
cause you to pick at them, which tortures others and is not beneficial to you either.
If your heart is full of kindness, tolerance, and appreciation, then your life
will be full of light, and the faults of others will disintegrate upon your
open heart. Life is both bitter and joyful; it is a question of what you want
to focus on. With the new year approaching, I wish everyone a happy Year of the
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