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印际 x Alexis Dornier | 筑于自然

印际  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-04 17:04


Alexis Dornier 是一位出生于德国的建筑师,在一个由艺术家、工程师和企业家组成的大家庭中长大。在柏林艺术大学学习自己所热爱的建筑学,毕业后移居纽约,2004至2007年,他曾在 Asymptote Architecture 、 OMA-NY 和 Rex 参与建筑实践。2013年前往巴厘岛,创立了自己同名的建筑事务所,为客户提供全方位的建筑和设计专业服务。 German architect Alexis Dornier grew up in a family of artists, engineers and entrepreneurs. After studying his passion for Architecture at the University of the Arts in Berlin, he moved to New York, where he practiced architecture at Asymptote Architecture, OMA-NY, and Rex from 2004 to 2007. After 2013, he moved to Bali and founded his eponymous architectural practice, providing clients with a full range of architectural and design professional services. Free Bird 温暖和深度 ━ 这座住宅体现了当代的日式审美与现代主义的结合,也反映出 Ale ………………………………

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