点击下方名片关注我们 导读 为了能理解自己蛰居孩子的苦难,韩国父母把自己关进“幸福工厂”的“监狱”,说是“幸福工厂”,但其实在这里一点都不幸福。工厂里有很多跟储藏室差不多大的小房间,里面光秃秃的,什么都没有,不能使用手机和笔记本电脑,只能看着墙壁发呆。以下是外媒报道。 双语文本 The only thing connecting each tiny room at the Happiness Factory to the outside world is a feeding hole in the door. No phones or laptops are allowed inside these cells, which are no bigger than a store cupboard, and their inhabitants have only bare walls for company. 幸福工厂的每个小房间与外界的唯一连接就是门上的送餐口。这些房间还没有储藏室大,住在里面的人不允许使用手机或笔记本电脑,只有光秃秃的墙壁作伴。 Residents may wear blue prison uniforms but they are not inmates - they have come to the centre in South Ko