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Aedas新作 | 杭州钱唐商务中心,TOD模式新标杆

ZaomeDesign  · 公众号  · 设计  · 2024-07-25 09:30


随着杭州经济的发展崛起,城市骨架正在不断扩大、向东拓进,其中位于杭城东大门——由城东新城、艮北新城、钱江新城组成的核心商务组团,成为了城市多中心发展下的关键一环。 Aedas院士及全球设计董事温子先博士(Dr. Andy Wen)、执行董事刘燕带领团队,在其中的核心区域,基于TOD模式打造了产商结合的地标建筑杭州钱唐商务中心。 With the rise of the development of the Hangzhou economy, the urban skeleton is constantly expanding to the east, which is located in Hangzhou City East Gate, and has become a key link in the multi-centre development of cities. Aedas Fellow and Global Design Principal Dr. Andy Wen and Aedas Executive Director Nicole Liu led the team to build a landmark building combined with manufacturers Hangzhou Qingdao business center in the core area. 项目距离杭州东站一公里,南邻城市主干道,场地内设有公交始发站,地下联通 ………………………………

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