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医院建筑 | 改造扩建

搜建筑  · 公众号  ·  · 2022-07-26 13:32
▲ 更多精品,关注“搜建筑”里斯本达鲁斯医院的扩建并不涉及在医院的建筑群内建造新的建筑,而是对现有的结构进行实际的扩建。该方案的性质意味着完全的整合,因为其目的不是创造新的服务,而是对已经提供的服务进行扩展、重组和创新。The expansion of Hospital da Luz in Lisbon does not involve constructing a new building within the Hospital’s complex, but rather a physical expansion of the existing structure. The nature of the program implies a complete integration since the intention is not to create new services, but to expand, restructure and innovate those that are already offered.该项目通过为公共和服务延伸两个主要走廊来保持现有建筑的空间结构,这使得新的通道能够连接到现有系统,为操作区域的内部组织带来更大的灵活性,并保持设计的重点是客户和员工的舒适度。The project’s approach maintains the ………………………………

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