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萊茵生物: 24H1淨利潤預計大幅增長,看好植提業務持續拓展

天风国际  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-19 17:58


Guilin Layn Natural Ingredients  (002166 CH) 24H1淨利潤預計大幅增長,看好植提業務持續拓展 Early numbers indicate high net profit growth in 24H1E; Layn is set to expand the plant extracts business BUY (maintain) 投資要點/Investment Thesis 投資要点/Investment Thesis 事件: 萊茵生物發佈2024年半年度業績預告,預計2024年上半年淨利潤約5429.46萬元~6515.36萬元,同比增長50.0%~80.0%。 2024年上半年扣除非經常性損益後的淨利潤4525.46萬元~5611.36萬元,同比增長1041.73%~1315.69%。 24H1E profitability maintained growth on market demand for plant extracts  H1E financials: Layn recently released preliminary numbers for 24H1 earnings with net profit ranging RMB54.29m-65.15m, up 50.0-80.0% yoy, and ex-nonrecurring net profit of RMB45.25m-56.11m, up 1,041.73-1,315.69% yoy. 植提業務持續向好,24H1公司盈利能力不斷增強 2024年上半年公司所處的植物提取行業持續向好發展,市場需求 ………………………………

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