点击上方蓝字,关注我们 Italian company Sanifrutta just launched a new bicolor apple variety, Lilibet, promising “excellent” shelf-life and storage capacity. The firm holds an exclusive, countrywide license for the apple. The cultivar, developed through the firm’s partnership with the Italian Consortium of Nurseries ( CIV ), can be harvested up to five days earlier than the popular Gala variety. Lilibet is characterized by its “bright red color and particularly sweet, crunchy, and juicy flesh,” Sanifrutta said. Additionally, Lilibet promises to be an “easy to grow” variety, as its breeders seek to address production challenges such as climate change and distribution. “Lilibet presents various characteristics that make it suitable for the challenges of agriculture and finds an ideal area in the foothill crops where the bright red color of the fruit stands out,” said Alex Tallone, Head of the Technical Office and Technological Development at Sanifrutta The new