BHR 中国美术学院 建筑 GPA: 4.19/5.0 雅思 : 6.5(6) 自我评价 : 精神内耗的完美主义者(INFJ超典型绿老头) 获奖经历(奖项全称) 中国美术学院毕业创作暨林凤眠创作奖铜奖,2024 设计专利:椅子 (ZL 2023 3 0163325.1),2023 夏朋(姚馥)奖学金先进集体,2022 2020-2021 学年“一生一本”优秀学生下乡实践教学成果,2021 所获offer(截至发稿前): UCL - MArch Architectural Design AA - Architecture and Urbanism (DRL) MArch University of Edinburgh - MArch Architecture Part 2 University of Edinburgh - MSc Architecture and Urban Design MSA - Master of Architecture (ARB/Part 2) MSA - MA Architecture and Urbanism 1year full-time Polimi - Architecture and Urban Design University of Nottingham - MArch Architecture and sustainable Design University of Melbourne - Master of Architecture CUHK - Master of Architecture (MArch) 申请时间线: OFFER展示 (