居心之地 The place of residence 一个属于自己的 能够让自己感到安心和舒适的角落 ——TAMO 涛墨设计 业主夫妇与我的经历类似,年幼时都久居北方,工作后来到重庆。北方平原多,所以多院子,久居北方的人对院子一般都有着特殊的感情。这种感情源于院子在中国文化中的特殊地位,以及它所承载的深厚情感和记忆。院子不仅是物理空间上的一个场所,更是情感的寄托和记忆的载体。它承载了一代又一代人的童年回忆和家庭团聚的欢乐时光,以及人与自然和谐相处的宁静生活,因此他们选中了这套带有前后小院的房子。 The homeowner couple is similar to me. They lived in the north for a long time when they were young and came to Chongqing after working. There are many plains in the north, so there are many courtyards. People who have lived in the north for a long time generally have a special affecti