专栏名称: 世纪风云潮
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天文角度鉴定 NIBIRU 轨道

世纪风云潮  · 公众号  · 探索  · 2020-02-09 11:33


编者按: 1 天文角度鉴定 NIBIRU 轨道   (2016-11-28 11:51:15) 转载 ▼ 标签:   x星 分类:  未知星体 国外研究资料太多,一个人无太多时间翻译,今日从三篇文中取了部分翻译出来。 NASA  appears to know something about this  red cometary orb . As  Lloyd  notes,  NASA's Planetary Data System  ( PDS ) logo shows all of the known planets in the solar system, along with  one anomalous red orb  with sort of a "tail." As  Andy Lloyd  explains, the number of planets depicted on the PDS emblem is 11, including the red comet-like body.      If we used the Sumerian scheme of counting the planets, we would have nine planets, plus the earth's moon, plus the red comet. The huge Sun in the middle of the emblem, round which the other orbs rotate, makes 12.      美国宇航局似乎知道这个红色慧星天体的东 ………………………………

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