这是范叔为你准备的 『九言』 7.7 平庸的人用热闹填补空虚,优秀的人以独处成就自己。 Ordinary people fill emptiness with excitement, while excellent people achieve themselves through solitude. 曙光在头上,不抬起头,便永远只能看见物质的闪光。 The dawn is on my head, and if I don't lift my head, I can only see the flash of matter forever. 如今最好,别说来日方长;时光难留,只有一去不返。 Now is the best, not to mention the long future; Time is hard to stay, only to be gone forever. 年轻的时候,爱上什么都不为过;成熟了以后,放弃什么都可以理解。每个人终其一生都在寻找那个和自己灵魂相近的人,可后来才发现,唯一契合的只有自己。 When young, falling in love with anything is not an exaggeration; After maturity, giving up anything can be understood. Everyone spends their whole life searching for someone who is close to their own soul, but later th