专栏名称: 青春北师
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青春北师  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-05-21 23:11


#2024# 国际文化节 倒计时4天! 2024年5月25日 , “环球校园”国际文化节暨“京师学生全球视野节” 将在 京师广场 盛大开幕。为您送上往届文化节的盛况。敬请期待,欢迎光临! On May 25, 2024, Beijing Normal University’s "World On Campus" International Cultural Festival will open in a grand style in the BNU Jingshi Square. Please look forward to this great event as we show you pictures from previous editions of this grand occasion! You are welcome to join us! 往年记忆 在这里,你会遇见: 各国精彩纷呈的国家文化 Here, you will meet each country's most authentic ethnic dance and musical instrument performance. 在这里,你会遇见: 世界各国异彩纷呈的传统服饰 Here, you will meet each country's gorgeous traditional attires. 在这里,你会遇见: 各国琳琅满目的美食 Here, you will meet each country's delicious food. 在这里,你会遇见: 各国极具风情的民族 ………………………………

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