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印际首发 x 万谦集设计 | 隐若山谷之静美

印际  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-24 17:17


若见·汐民宿坐落在成都市以西100公里西岭雪山脚下的西岭镇,一个两山相拥的山谷小镇。往前是终年积雪如银的西岭雪山,往后是一望沃野千里的成都平原。这里本地人也叫它双河场,因西岭雪山上由融雪形成的两条溪河在这里交汇而得名。而若见·汐民宿便位于这两河的交汇处。 Ruojianxi is located in Xiling Town, a valley town surrounded by two mountains at the foot of Xiling Snow Mountain, 100 kilometers west of Chengdu City. In the front of the town is the Xiling Snow Mountain, which is covered with snow like silver all year round, and in the back is the Chengdu Plain, which is covered with thousands of miles of fertile land. It is also known as Shuanghechang by locals, named after the confluence of two streams formed by melting snow on the Xiling Snow Mountain. Ruojianxi is located at the confluence of these two rivers. ▲项目视频 人文语境 The Context of Humanity ━ 青砖,石 ………………………………

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