背景介绍: 戴上耳机,打开手机,我们随时随地都可以听上一首美妙的歌曲。但为什么一场又一场演唱会上总是人山人海。演唱会现场,人来人往,灯光闪烁,音乐嘹亮,这些元素营造出了一种独特的氛围。在这里,你可以和数千名观众一起跟随音乐的节奏,尽情挥洒自己的热情和能量。整个现场充满着无与伦比的热烈气氛,让你感受到无可比拟的热浪。这或许就是录制音乐的感受永远比不上现场音乐的原因。 Why recorded
music will never feel as good as the real thing 为什么听录制音乐的感受永远比不上现场音乐 The answer,
according to neuroscience 来自神经科学的答案 In a world of music streaming services, access to
almost any song is just a few clicks away. Yet, the live gig lives on. People
still fill sweaty basements, muddy fields and gilded concert halls to hear
their favourite musicians play. And now neuroscientists might