▲ 更多精品, 关注 “ 搜建筑 ” 华润北龙湖·瑞府 山水比德 奢 华来自于真实存在的事物, 而不是那些财富炫耀。 ——Antonio Citterio -Balgvri酒店御用设计师- 华润·瑞府坐落于郑州北龙湖,场地所处条件优越,其展示区亦是未来大区入口。 Located in Zhengzhou's North Long Lake, the site is in excellent conditions, and its exhibition area is also the entrance to the future district. 我们基于华润瑞系产品的先锋感、稀缺感和极致感,从多维度出发,在设计上引入酒店式的度假理念,打造都会奢享城市花园,让人从世俗的平凡单调中跳脱出来,步入一个极致而稀缺的尊贵体验空间,感受生活艺术与人文情怀的交织。 Based on the pioneering sense, scarcity and extreme sense of CRRS products, we introduce the hotel-style resort concept in the design from multiple dimensions to create a