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【5个常见单词的来源:PART 2】#超级教育节#1. ins-20201210121153

Yourone精选  · 微博  ·  · 2020-12-10 12:11


2020-12-10 12:11 本条微博链接 【5个常见单词的来源:PART 2】 #超级教育节# 1. inspire, means to cause someone to have a feeling; 来自拉丁语 inspirare, 原意breathe into(注入),breathe spirit in; 2. bully,refers to someone who uses his or her strength or power to mistreat someone else; 来自荷兰语 boel,原指brother or sweetheart,bully(霸凌)一词最初含有爱之意,这是因为霸凌者往往有糟糕的童年,对爱的需求更强烈。这提醒我们,即使是那些外表强硬的人,也需要在 ………………………………

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