Guo, Jing \x26amp;amp; Zhang, Zhengyu, 2019. "Does renaming promote economic development? New evidence from a city-renaming reform experiment in China," China Economic Review, Matthew A Cole, Robert J R Elliott , and Bowen Liu, The Impact of the Wuhan Covid-19 Lockdown on Air Pollution and Health: A Machine Learning and Augmented Synthetic Control Approach, 2020 April. 论文推荐:中文期刊上基于机器学习算法的合成控制法评估论文 直播PPT回顾:交叠DID国内新应用、新进展😅更多内容推荐: 开课通知_2024年Stata暑假班_8月10日开课_理论+操作+前沿+论文 🌈课程介绍: 360°掌握交叠DID前沿、静动态合成DID、空间DID、HCW、SCM、RD前沿等因果推断专题