昨天有朋友说啥时候来篇《十个你不得不看的停止刷短视频的方法》,今天就安排! 不过,没有十个,只有三个:心理学家教你三招戒掉“手机瘾” 今天你练听力了吗? 🤔️小作业: 1. According to the article, why should smartphones be kept out of the bedroom at night? A) They can disturb sleep due to blue light and psychological stimulation. B) They need to be charged in a separate room. C) They can cause physical health issues. D) They are prone to overheating when left overnight. 2. How does the author suggest dealing with the addictive nature of tech products? A) By embracing their features and using them more often B) By making phones less visually appealing through grayscale mode C) By purchasing newer, less addictive devices D) By uninstalling all social media apps 无注释原文: It’s Time for a Digital Detox. (You Know You Need It.) From: The New York Times Your daily routine is probably something like mine w