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ESMO 2024 | Data of Olverembatinib to be Presented in Mini Oral

亚盛医药  · 公众号  · 药品  · 2024-09-09 07:53


Ascentage Pharma (6855.HK) today announced that it will present the latest clinical data of olverembatinib (HQP1351), the company’s novel drug candidate, in patients with succinate dehydrogenase- (SDH-) deficient gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST), in a Mini Oral at the 2024 European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) Congress. As one of the world’s leading and most influential oncology congresses, the ESMO Congress showcases the latest results in some of the most cutting-edge cancer research from around the world. This year, the ESMO Congress will be held from September 13 to 17 in Barcelona, Spain. Dr. Yifan Zhai Chief Medical Officer of Ascentage Pharma We are pleased to have this opportunity to showcase olverembatinib’s therapeutic potential for the treatment of SDH-deficient GIST. As a third-generation TKI developed in house by Ascentage Pharma, olverembatinib was recently cleared by the China CDE to enter a registrational Phase III study in patients with SDH-deficient ………………………………

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