专栏名称: 北师大SAIN
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SAIN 2024 招新公告

北师大SAIN  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-06 09:31


一、社团简介 | Club Introduction 欢迎加入北京师范大学SAIN学生国际交流协会(Students’ Association for International Network)!我们是北师大国际交流与合作处下属的第一个专注于中外学生文化交流的社团。SAIN不仅拥有独特的官方资源支持,还拥有高度的自主性,为你提供一个广阔的舞台,结识来自世界各地的朋友,参与丰富多彩的活动,在多元文化中成长! Welcome to the Students’ Association for International Network (SAIN) at Beijing Normal University! We are the first association under the Office of International Exchange and Cooperation, dedicated to cultural exchanges between Chinese and international students. SAIN is uniquely positioned with official support and autonomy, offering you a platform to meet friends from around the world, participate in diverse activities, and grow in a multicultural environment! 二、如何加入 | How to Join 如果你对SAIN感兴趣,欢 ………………………………

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