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DeepTech深科技  · 公众号  · 科技媒体  · 2017-09-13 04:19


Before autonomous trucks and taxis hit the road, manufacturers will need to solve problems far more complex than collision avoidance and navigation . 要让自己的产品能上路行驶, 自动驾驶 卡车 和 出租车 的制造商们需要解决比防撞和导航更棘手的问题 。 These vehicles will have to anticipate and defend against a full spectrum of malicious attackers wielding both traditional cyberattacks and a new generation of attacks based on so-called adversarial machine learning . As consensus grows that autonomous vehicles are just a few years away from being deployed in cities as robotic taxis, and on highways to ease the mind-numbing boredom of long-haul trucking, this risk of attack has been largely missing from the breathless coverage. 这些车辆需要抵御来自各方面的恶意攻击,包括传统的网络攻击和基于 “对抗性机 ………………………………

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