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上新 | 6月外文新书推荐

复旦大学图书馆  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-06-28 15:11


◀ 外文书籍 ▶ 开卷有益。一起看看本月图书馆推荐的外文新书吧~ No.1 Ordinary Affects 【I S B N 】9780822341079 【作  者】Kathleen Stewart (Author) 【出版社】Duke University Press Books 【馆藏地】理科馆外教中心阅览室 【索书号】C912.6 /S849 /E(HF) 【简  介】 Ordinary Affects is a singular argument for attention to the affective dimensions of everyday life and the potential that animates the ordinary. Known for her focus on the poetics and politics of language and landscape, the anthropologist Kathleen Stewart ponders how ordinary impacts create the subject as a capacity to affect and be affected. In a series of brief vignettes combining storytelling, close ethnographic detail, and critical analysis, Stewart relates the intensities and banalities of common experiences and strange encounters, half-spied scenes and the lingering resonance of passing events. While most of the instances rendered are from Stewart’s own life ………………………………

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