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微软和苹果放弃OpenAI董事会观察员席位;欧洲官员利用北约峰会与特朗普“圈内人”建立联系 | 双语资讯速览

跟FT学英语  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-10 18:00


01 美国将向乌克兰再派遣 一套爱国者防空导弹系统 The US will give Ukraine an additional Patriot air defence system to bolster the country’s fortification against Russia, joining contributions from four other Nato members as the alliance signals to Moscow its lasting support for Kyiv. 美国将向乌克兰提供一套额外的“爱国者”(Patriot)防空系统以加强该国对俄罗斯的防御,北约(NATO)其他四个成员国也将为乌克兰提供援助。 该联盟向俄罗斯发出对乌克兰持久支持的信号。 Biden announced the new system as he kicked off the alliance’s 75th summit, held in Washington and taking place at a time of political uncertainty in the US and elsewhere. Former president Donald Trump, who has an edge in most US election polls, is sceptical of the alliance and has threatened to pull American support from Kyiv if it does not negotiate with Moscow. 乔•拜登(Joe Biden)在华盛顿举行的北约第75届峰会开幕式上 ………………………………

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