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每天一文献  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-30 22:01


2024年金融学期刊ABS评级 序 领域 期刊名称 ABS _2024 1 金融 Journal of Finance 5 2 金融 Journal of Financial  Economics 5 3 金融 Review of Financial  Studies 5 4 金融 Journal of Corporate  Finance 4 5 金融 Journal of Financial  and Quantitative Analysis 4 6 金融 Journal of Financial  Intermediation 4 7 金融 Journal of Money,  Credit and Banking 4 8 金融 Review of Finance 4 9 金融 Annual Review of  Financial Economics 3 10 金融 Corporate Governance:  An International Review 3 11 金融 European Financial  Management 3 12 金融 European Journal of  Finance 3 13 金融 Finance and  Stochastics 3 14 金融 Financial Analysts  Journal 3 15 金融 Financial Management 3 16 金融 Financial Markets,  Institutions and Instruments 3 17 金融 Financial Review 3 18 金融 Insurance:  Mathematics and Economics 3 19 金融 International Journal  of Central Banking 3 20 金融 International Journal  of Finance and Economics 3 21 金 ………………………………

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