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外刊阅读20220909 | 报复性睡前拖延症导致难以入睡?听听专家的建议

考研英语外刊阅读  · 公众号  ·  · 2022-09-09 20:00
快,点击上方蓝字关注并置顶这个公众号,一起涨姿势~全文字数:1495字阅读时间:15分钟小贴士:朋友们!中秋佳节快乐!祝大家月团圆人团圆!——大橙子留上期翻译答案The advance ‍comes as the most recent UN food security report found that nearly 10% of the world population was hungry last year, up from 8% in 2019, and with projections that the climate crisis will lead to harsher growing conditions for crops.联合国出具的一项最新的粮食安全报告发现,去年全世界有将近10%的人口处于饥饿当中,而2019年的这一比例为8%,报告中还预测了气候危机将导致农作物的生长条件更为严峻。在如此恶劣的情况下,这一进展应运而生。《本期内容》◆双语阅读Revenge bedtime procrastination gained popularity at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic and is a loosely translated English version of a Chinese phrase that journalist Daphne K. Lee describes as ………………………………

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