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Daxue 咨询是一家以市场信息调研为主的咨询公司,总部设在北京。客户遍布世界各地,主要服务对象为欧洲,北美等外资企业。
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Report | Download the Consumer pain points in China’s beauty

Daxue Insights  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-06-14 18:15


In the very competitive beauty market in China, many brands are fiercely and rapidly innovating to satisfy the needs of consumers. However, there are still remaining pain points that have not been addressed at all or have not been addressed effectively by brands.  To identify some of these pain points, we conducted social media listening on popular social media platforms like Xiaohongshu and Weibo. Some of these pain points are more niche than others; however, understanding these discussions on social media helps us recognize minor yet significant issues that would benefit from being addressed. Download the report to learn: Teenagers demand skincare products, but there are not many products dedicated to their skin, or existing teenager-specific products are not widely known. With China’s heat and humidity, daily activities like going to the gym or occasional activities like going to the beach on holidays cause makeup not to last long. With the growing demand for multifunctional hair ………………………………

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