专栏名称: Figure图
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Call for paper (IF 13.0):截止2025年3月12日

Figure图  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-11-14 17:58


MITAB2024 Submission DeadLine: 12 March 2025 The IPCC report “Global Warming of 1.5°C” (Oct. 2018) issued a dire warning that unless CO2 emissions are halved by 2030, devastating changes will occur on land and in ocean irreversibly and sooner than expected. Time is running out for transitioning to new energy systems globally. Logic and numbers show that the world must take a two-step approach: (A) deploy existing, industrially proven technologies, namely solar, wind and nuclear base load at an unprecedented scale and pace, from now to 2050 -- when a house catches fire, firemen must run to the closest hydrants and stop disputing which water stream would be purer; and (B) develop new concepts and technologies that may replace the dirtier parts of (A) post-2050, at terawatt scale. The Applied Energy “A+B” symposium (MITAB2022) is dedicated to the accelerated deployment of (A), and new concepts and emerging technologies for (B). For (A), reducing capital and operating costs, manag ………………………………

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