截至今早7点45分,《哪吒2》总票房(含海外)即将突破120亿,今天将冲击 全球动画票房榜TOP1纪录 。 The total box office revenue for Ne Zha 2 (including overseas) is on the verge of surpassing 12 billion yuan as of 7:45 am on Monday morning, poised to break the record as the highest-grossing animated film in the world. 最新数据显示,“猫眼专业版”预测《哪吒2》最终总票房或将超157.42亿,“灯塔专业版”预测这一数据为150.42亿。 截至昨晚9点14分,2025年度大盘票房(含预售)突破200亿,刷新中国影史年度票房最快破200亿纪录,《哪吒2》以59.4%的票房占比断层领跑。 China's 2025 box office, including presales, has exceeded 20 billion yuan as of 9 pm on Sunday, achieving this milestone in record time, according to the ticket information tracker Beacon. Ne Zha 2 contributed nearly 60% of this total. 外国网友解释打高分的原因 据中国青年报客户端,近