嘿,记得给“ 机器学习与推荐算法 ”添加 星标 本文精选了上周 (1230-0105) 最新发布的 12 篇推荐系统相关论文,主要研究方向包括大模型思维链推荐、多模态推荐、扩散模型推荐、生成式观看时间预测、药物推荐、去偏推荐、指令微调推荐、社交推荐、图Transformer推荐、扩散模型协同过滤、图大模型推荐 等。 1. HetGCoT-Rec: Heterogeneous Graph-Enhanced Chain-of-Thought LLM Reasoning for Journal Recommendation 2. DiffCL: A Diffusion-Based Contrastive Learning Framework with Semantic Alignment for Multimodal Recommendations 3. Generative Regression Based Watch Time Prediction for Video Recommendation: Model and Performance 4. A Contrastive Pretrain Model with Prompt Tuning for Multi-center Medication Recommendation 5. Invariant Debiasing Learning for Recommendation via Biased Imputation 6. RecLM: Recommendation Instruction Tuning 7. Don't Lose Yourself: Boosting Multimodal