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GD-Europe Promotion Conference on Animation Films held in France

GDToday  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-06-13 18:32


The "Guangdong-Europe Promotion Conference on Animation Films" was held at France's Annecy International Animation Film Festival on June 11 local time. The Guangdong Animation Film Delegation and representatives from more than 10 internationally renowned animation companies including Blue Spirit Studios and China Film Group Corporation gathered to discuss hot topics in the industry such as animation production, distribution, copyright trading, and technological innovation. The "Guangdong-Europe Promotion Conference on Animation Films" was hosted by the Guangdong Film Industry Association and GDToday of Nangfang Media Group. It marked the first overseas discussion conference organized by the Guangdong Film Bureau for animation companies. Representatives from Guangdong enterprises showed the development scale, development characteristics, and representative excellent Guangdong animation of animation enterprises in China, especially Guangdong, in the form of video clips and poster exhib ………………………………

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