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中外香料香精第一资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2023-10-15 07:00


Hanging in the wardrobes of our flat, alongside our clothes, are a couple of small bags of dried lavender. Like many others, we keep them there to ward off clothes moths, but while offhandedly discussing this a couple of weeks ago I realised that I had absolutely no idea if there was scientific evidence to back up this repellent effect. So, I did what any good scientist would, and started a quest to find out whether lavender’s anti-moth powers were the real deal, or as scientifically holey as the moth-eaten clothes it claims to ward against! 在我们公寓的衣柜里,衣服旁边挂着几小包干薰衣草。和其他许多人一样,我们把它们放在那里是为了 抵御衣蛾 ,但几周前,当我漫不经心地讨论这个问题时,我意识到我完全不知道是否有科学证据支持这种驱蛾效果。所以,我做了任何优秀的科学家都会做的事,开始 探索薰衣草的抗蛾能力是真的 ,还是像它声称的防蛾蛀的衣服一样存 ………………………………

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