文献来源 调节焦点(regulatory focus)指个体在追求目标时所采用的两种不同的心理策略,分为促进焦点(关注实现目标的积极结果)和防御焦点(关注避免目标的消极结果)。 CEO_PROM :The number of promotion-oriented words (see Appendix A and Gamache et al., 2015) divided by the total number of words spoken by the CEO in conference calls over the last 5 years. Finally, the ratio was multiplied by 100. CFO_PREV :The number of prevention-oriented words (see Appendix A and Gamache et al., 2015) divided by the total number of words spoken by the CFO in conference calls over the last 5 years. Finally, the ratio was multiplied by 100. CEO_PREV :The number of prevention-oriented words (see Appendix A and Gamache et al., 2015) divided by the total number of words spoken by the CEO in conference calls over the last 5 years. Finally, the ratio was multiplied by 100. CFO_PROM :The number of prevention-oriented words (see Appendix A