Articles Varieties of antigenderism: the politicization of gender issues across three European populist radical right parties Susanne Reinhardt, Annett Heft & Elena Pavan Unraveling moral and emotional discourses on social media: a study of three cases Yibei Chen, Amber X. Chen, Hongbo Yu & Shaojing Sun Exhausting work-life challenges through boundary management: an investigation of work-life boundary management among college students during remote work and COVID-19 Nitzan Navick & Jennifer Gibbs Algorithmic futures: the intersection of algorithms and evidentiary work Ciaran B. Trace & James A. Hodges News consumption, expressive social media activities, political discussions, and political consumerism: examining reciprocal relations with panel data Ole Kelm On or off topic? Understanding the effects of issue-related political targeted ads Xiaotong Chu, Lukas Otto, Rens Vliegenthart, Sophie Lecheler, Claes de Vreese & Sanne Kruikemeier #Narcissisticabuse: sharing personal and