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Call for paper (IF 6.0):截止2025年8月31日

Figure图  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-22 17:58


Ecological consequences of grassland restoration: changes in biodiversity & its ecosystem services The need for restoring degraded grasslands due to desertification, salinization, and agricultural overuse is becoming increasingly urgent worldwide. This special issue will focus on evaluating ecological restoration methods for degraded grasslands, with an emphasis on enhancing biodiversity and ecosystem services. Featured articles will cover a variety of restoration techniques, including artificial sand stabilization, enclosure, fertilization, mowing, grazing, reintroduction of vegetation, and soil amendments. Contributors will assess the success of restoration efforts in terms of species diversity above and below ground, trophic relationships, energy flows, ecological functionality, and adaptability to environmental changes. This issue aims to highlight how diverse restoration strategies can effectively rejuvenate grassland ecosystems and improve management practices to achieve signif ………………………………

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