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繁荣都市中的“雅”奢真意 | 杭州万科·朗拾滨屿府

景观邦  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-08-16 17:20


FOREST  GATEWAY 踏入林屿门户 透过宝门廊的门框,“一丛”高大乔木映入视线浮于水岸之上,走入人行入口的空间,我们将“咫尺山林”的自然画面留于雅奢的落客小院中,两侧柔软舒展的地被自然生长,形成仪式感的自然迎接。  Through the door frame of the treasure porch, a cluster of tall trees comes into view floating on the waterfront. Walking into the space of the pedestrian entrance, we leave the natural scene of the "nearby mountains and forests" in the elegant and luxurious guest courtyard. The soft and stretching ground on both sides is naturally grown, forming a sense of ceremony and natural welcome. 落客空间通过置入奢石、古铜、定制灯具结合精致大叶片植物体现酒店式雅奢精致,高大的乔木界定落客的动线,也规避了视线与建筑直接对穿的情况,创造出平静、秩序又稳定的氛围。 The drop off space embodies the elegant and luxurious style ………………………………

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